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Pride & Were
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The Wolf Who Fought for His Soul Mate
Scarlet Hyacinth
The Pixie Who Played With a Sidhe King
Scarlet Hyacinth
The Knight & the Dragon
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Best Laid Plans
Sandrine Gasq-Dion, Jennifer Fornes
For the Love of Caden
Sandrine Gasq-Dion
The General's Lover
Sandrine Gasq-Dion
Battle of Will
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Two Fangs And A Hoof
Joyee Flynn
Nicholi's Vengeance
J.A. Jaken

Freaky Flashes

Freaky Flashes - Lee Brazil, Havan Fellows, Dianne Hartsock, Raven McAllan, S.J. Thomas, Jamieson Wolf, Doris O'Connor, Hank  Edwards **I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review**

Now I’m normally not a big fan of flashes, I hate not having answers and only seeing snippets of stories but wanting more. However, when I heard about Freaky Flashes, I knew I had to read it, and I’m glad I did. Overall, this was a very well done anthology. I couldn’t really rate such short flashes on their own, so I just rated the anthology overall, but here are my thoughts on each individual story.

Death Day Anniversary
A very interesting vampire tale, would love to see it fleshed out. The ending opened up a whole new world of possibilities

The Sum of His Parts
A spooky yet heartwarming tale. I was sitting anxiously waiting for the other shoe to fall, and man, it was a doozy. I had an inkling of what the story was reminiscent of, but the ending was slightly different than I was expecting, which was nice.

Writing is a Socially Acceptable Form of Schizophrenia
An amusing look into the author’s head. This isn’t a spooky story, it’s more of a comedy than anything, but oddly enough, it still fits into the anthology. And now I want to read all these characters’ stories.

That Special Feeling
The first m/f story in the anthology. This story confused me. I re-read it and it’s still ambiguous and vague, so I’m not really sure what happened.

Andrew Calls the Dead
A cautionary tale about voodoo, with an ironic and somewhat humorous twist ending.

Make Me a Sandwich
I can relate to how Greg was acting, becuase I’ve done the exact same thing before. Loved the ending, very spooky and funny.

The second m/f story, and the shortest story in the anthology, yet it was well-done and perfectly matched the title.

Spin the Bottle
The final m/f story in the anthology. This was an interesting take on a classic game, though the snippet wasn’t very detailed and left me with questions about what was going on.

The Birthday
The most disturbing story in the anthology to me, yet I liked the well-deserved ending. Though the psychology fan part of me wants to see the story expanded, to know more about what made the characters into who they are etc. Plus, I really want to see what happens after the end of this story.

Strength’s Curse
One of the most brutal stories in the anthology, no HEA or HFN, the only ending promised is a pretty brutal one. Not for the faint-hearted.

Reaping Darkness
All I have to say is, Death’s never looked so sexy. I wasn’t a fan of the cheating aspect, though this could be considered dubious consent I guess.

The Fog
This was a very sexy, very spooky story that really makes you think. Would love to see this story expanded.

In the Shadows
This was the second most disturbing story in the anthology. I just want to warn you, there is a bit of bloodplay in this story, and no, it’s not vampires. The story was different, with a surprise twist ending that I didn’t see coming. I wish it had been longer, so I could find out what happened next, good or bad.